Sunday 6 July 2014

Free day

Today was our free day. We decided to do some activities with the students, bit we had different plans because you never know what the weather is going to be like.
We met at 10:30 at the Quay. Look at the picture that Genissa took this morning.

Then we went on a tour guide about the history of the Quay, but the students were not very enthusiastic about it! Anyway, this tour took us to a nice walk around some different parts of the river. We also learnt about the importance of it as a harbour and the trade of wool and wine.

Then it started to rain!

And we finished our guide in the Custom House. Here you can see how interested our students were in the explanation of Exeter history.

After the guide, we had arranged a boat trip down the river but we couldn't because of the rain. Instead, we offered the students to go to the Royal Albert Museum but we only got excuses... So, off they went to their favourite activities: shopping and wandering around the city centre.

They got home for dinner and that's what Paula and Laia found in their house: a barbaque!

That'all for today! Tomorrow back to school!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Paula felt asleep while Exeter history was being told! Hahaha, Paula wake up! ;)

    Best regards
