Tuesday 1 July 2014

The city centre.

Today has been a busy and a bit stressful day. The general assembly in the morning with the Summer School director, the Activities Organizer and, then, the placement tests. Tomorrow everybody will know which level they'll be in.
The first to arrive are, of course, the group leaders of the 'Gonzales group' as you can see in this picture.

Then our students' arrival, of course, they weren't late because their host families took them there. Let's see what happens tomorrow...

After the morning activities, we have had our first contact with our packed lunches, which were quite interesting, as you can see, starting with the bags and going on with the content. One of the strangest sandwiches was the one of Carlota and Clara: a cucumber, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwhich! You should all taste it!!!!

This is Anna's lunch bag!!!

Then, in the afternoon, the monitors have taken the students to the city centre where they had to complete a quiz by walking around in pairs.

And then, free time until we meet again and the monitors put the students in the 'right bus'. The adventure is about to start... The only thing we can say is that they are safe at their homes at the moment, but we had to rescue a pair of our students who got a bit lost. Guess who?

We have talked to them, and they are all OK, and Paula has sent me some pictures of her host family's activities.

And now a question to finish today's entry: who can guess where these students are????

OMG! 😳

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